BitBoard Bir
(Real-Time Logic Simulator Dev-Board)
01.2023 - Today
ESP32 based microcontroller
with built-in 1.3 inch TFT display at 240 by 240 resolution 16 bit RGB colors
has 24 GPIO which 12 of them can be used for ADC
has a circuit simulator & generic logic simulator can be seen its own display
it can simulate circuits up to 10 kHz
programmable with Arduino and MicroPython languages
supports I2C, SPI and UART protocols
internal clock runs up to 240 MHz
its wireless module supports Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
8 combinable expansion packs
. 9 axis IMU Pack for sensing movement and direction
. Environment Pack (light, humidity, temperature sensors and barometer)
. Controller Pack (2 joysticks, 2 switches, 4 direction buttons, and 2 controllable LEDs)
. Robot Pack (capacity to control up to 14 servos and 2 DC motors)
. Battery Pack with 1 Li-Po battery
. VGA Pack with a VGA port to display images on the monitor
. Keyboard Pack (60 keys with mini keyboard layout)
. Prototyping board (with bunch of holes for making expansion packs)